BBM Essential - Super Light with Cool Features Added
BBM Essential is a modified BBM application for Android. More than the official BBM application, many cool features has been added to this app. Let's say if you want to read your contacts message without showing the Read Status (the R sign on the contact phone), you can turn this Block Read Status feature on or off. It's obviously useful to save your time and "your life". You can also lock your BBM app and hide all the conversation and the app itself and protect it with password, off course without any other application. Check out the BBM Essential cool features below.
BBM Essential Added Features
BBM Essential does not remove the official BBM default features based on BBM v2.10.0.31, in fact adds these cool features:- Smaller File Size
- Super Light and low RAM consumption
- Multi Lingual Option (Indonesia, English, Sunda, Jawa). Developers are pleased to add your own language.
- Semi Transparent Background
- Auto Change Color at specified time
- Four background colors (see also 4 in 1 WordPress Plugin)
- Default Feeds is contact (not showing ads)
- Option to turn ads on of off
- Block Read Status
- Full Display Picture
- Private Mode & Lock Mode
- Framed Feed Status
- Bomb Chat / Auto Text in Chat and Group Chat
- Auto Rotation
- Moveable to SDCard
- Hide Message Notification (NEW)
- Hide or show Bomb Chat panel (NEW)
- Full Profile Picture for Contacts and own profile (NEW)
- And more...

Download and Installation
- Download BBM Essential here.
- If you are using the official bbm app, please uninstall it first.
- Install this application normally.
- Don't forget to check the "Unknown Source" since it's not installing from playstore.
- Open and sign in with your BBM Account
I'd like to thank to these awesome guys for their magnificent knowledge share, so this BBM Essential is finally done. Trangga Ken and his portal (though this app is modded without it); Dhian Rusdhiana for the languange option; Azis Lamayuda for his framed feed status; Yoyocx S Praditya Putra for language tutorial; Izzan Nouvian for some cool background and images used in this app.
Please be informed that this BBM is trademark or registered trademark of Blackberry Limited. The Exclusive rights to which are expressly reserved. BBM Essential is not affiliated with, endorsed, sponsored, or otherwise authorized by Blackberry Limited. This app is free to use and not for sale.
I'm actively listening to your feedback and fixing problems, any suggestions are kindly welcome. Please submit your question or suggestions regarding to this app, I'll add it to this section in the future.
Thank you for anyone use this BBM App, hope you all like it, has good use for you. Don't forget to "LIKE" this page and my Facebook Fan Page as your appreciation as well as to notify for the latest update to your wall.
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